March 3rd: World Hearing Day

Independent Living
Image of the globe with large ears attached to it. Text beneath image reads, "World . Hearing. Day 03 March"
Landscape (4:3)

World Hearing Day is on Thursday, March 3rd, 2022. This day was designated by the World Health Organization (WHO) to raise awareness on hearing loss, deafness, and promoting ear care. 

Three common types of hearing loss are:

Sensorineural Hearing Loss: Hearing loss caused by damage to the inner ear. This is the most common type of hearing loss. Some of the causes of this hearing loss include illnesses, aging, problems with the formation of the inner ear and a blow to the head. 

Conductive Hearing Loss: Hearing loss caused by damage to the middle and outer ear. This type of hearing loss can be either temporary or permanent. The causes depend upon whether the middle or outer ear is damaged. 

Mixed Hearing Loss:  A mix of both conductive and sensorineural hearing loss. This type of hearing loss is most commonly caused by trauma. 

Fortunately, there are treatments to lessen one’s hearing loss. Treatments are dependent upon what type of hearing loss one has. Assistive devices such as hearing aids and cochlear implants are common treatment options. Additionally, auditory training and rehabilitation is sometimes used to supplement hearing devices. 

Tips to maintain healthy hearing include:

  1. Cleaning your ears regularly 
  2. Protecting your ears with noise protection (i.e., wearing ear plugs in noisy environments).
  3. Keep your ears dry.
  4. Give your ears time to recover.
  5. Turn the volume down on all of your electronic devices. 

Tests for hearing loss:

If you suspect you have a hearing loss, it is important to immediately seek the advice of a qualified hearing healthcare professional, such as an audiologist or hearing instrument specialist. Hearing tests are simple, painless, and widely available. Your hearing health professional will begin by conducting a thorough history, and they will ask questions about the challenges you are having, your lifestyle and your communication needs.